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Weekend Reads 11/12/16

Scientists discover a lake under the sea: Those who swim there never come back alive

The water in the "lake within the sea" is about five times as salty as the water surrounding it. It also contains highly toxic concentrations of methane and hydrogen sulfide and can thus not mix with the surrounding sea.

Saturn's Gorgeous Rings May Be Dwarf Planet Carcasses

Astronomers think that thousands of Pluto-size bodies once dwelled in the Kuiper Belt — the ring of frigid objects beyond Neptune's orbit — shortly after the solar system formed. But things changed about 4 billion years ago, the idea goes: At that time, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune migrated a bit, stirring up both the Kuiper Belt and the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

Amy Grant’s new Christmas album reignites the old 'What’s Christian enough?' question

Grant has released her first (all new) Christmas record in nearly 20 years, and the debate is on again. "Is it Christian enough for Christian retail to support?" LifeWay Christian Resources, the large Southern Baptist retailer, decided it was not.

Life with a baby in a 20sqm off-grid cabin

Tom, Sarah, and their daughter Neesa all live in a tiny 20sqm off grid cabin on a property on the Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand. After Tom began feeling dissatisfied with his job as a General Practitioner, the couple decided to radically downsize—moving from their three bedroom house to a sheep shearer's shack on somebody else land.

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