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Weekend Reads 4/7/18

Five-Day Hurricane Track Forecasts Are More Accurate Today Than Two-Day Forecasts 25 Years Ago

New technology, like high-definition satellites and other distant observing techniques, better computer model guidance, refined hurricane reconnaissance, drone flights and on-the-ground research have led to much better track forecasts in the last quarter-century.

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So Full of Vitality and Promise

On November 10, 1979, Cindi Lamb was driving to the grocery store with her infant daughter Laura when her car was hit head-on by another vehicle. The baby girl was paralyzed for the rest of her life, and died at age six.

On May 3, 1980, Candy Lightner's 13-year-old daughter Cari was walking to a church carnival with a friend when she was struck by a car. The driver never even stopped. Cari was taken to the hospital, where she died.

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Weekend Reads 3/31/18

Trump's Legal Threats Backfire

As a skeezy reality-TV star in a third marriage governed by a tight pre-nuptial agreement, Trump could shrug off those reputational risks. As president, he cannot. They show up in polls.

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Weekend Reads 3/24/18

228 users have voted.

Was Stephen Hawking a Dog?

When physicist Stephen Hawking died last week, a number of Christian and Muslim apologists rushed to social media to proclaim that Hawking is now burning in hell. Evangelist Ray Comfort then had the audacity to express surprise at the reaction his Facebook post got from atheists.

303 users have voted.

The Fulcrum

This might actually work.

256 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 3/10/18

The GOP's Tax-Cut Narrative Is Already Unraveling

In sum, the GOP tax cut is raising wages (except it isn’t); it’s good for stocks (except the market has been a nauseous mess all year); and it’s poised to grow the economy—so much so that the Fed is determined to choke off inflation and discourage more business investment, which will hurt economic growth.

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The Price of Speaking Up

Shortly after Donald Trump's inauguration, Emma Green reported in The Atlantic about people who had been fired from evangelical ministries for voicing their political views.

280 users have voted.

Mike Rowe's Denial of Science

During my hiatus, How the Universe Works host Mike Rowe got into a verbal spat with a fan over controversial remarks he made on his show.

The complainant, one Rebecca Bright, said in part

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