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Weekend Reads 5/26/18

Google Removes 'Don't Be Evil' Clause From Its Code of Conduct

When Google was reorganized under a new parent company, Alphabet, in 2015, Alphabet assumed a slightly adjusted version of the motto, “do the right thing.” However, Google retained its original “don’t be evil” language until the past several weeks.

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Weekend Reads 5/19/18

Why you hear “Laurel” or “Yanny” in that viral audio clip, explained

“There’s just enough ambiguity in this fairly low-quality recording that [some] people are hearing it one way and some people are hearing it another,” Brad Story, the associate department head of speech, language, and hearing sciences at Arizona State University, told me.

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Weekend Reads 5/12/18

The incredibly frustrating reason there’s no Lyme disease vaccine

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, a vaccine called LYMErix was sold to prevent between 76 and 92 percent of infections. Hundreds of thousands of people got it — until vaccine fear knocked it off the market.

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Why Can't We Just Be Nice?

A new code of conduct for an open-source software project has sparked controversy and led to the resignation of one programmer. Rafael Avila de Espindola has announced he will no longer contribute to the compiler infrastructure tool set known as the LLVM Project.

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Is the Party Over? Both Parties?

An article by Jana Riess in Religion News Service points to trouble for Republicans in the upcoming election and beyond. Republicans are losing ground as four demographic groups—nonreligious voters, nonwhite voters, people born after the end of World War II, and college graduates—are all growing the expense of the Republicans' base of white Evangelical blue collar retirees.

293 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 4/14/18

238 users have voted.


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