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The Bible and the Big Bang

I've written a lot about science here, and a lot about theology, and occasionally about the intersection of the two. Astrophysicist Hugh Ross also writes about this intersection, but with a different take.

At his Reasons to Believe website, Ross makes the claim that the Bible teaches four core concepts of Big Bang cosmology:

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Grooming Your Wife?

I'd really like to believe this is a satire website, but its entirely humorless tone suggests it's not. It appears to be actually advocating something that it claims are "biblical gender roles".

In a recent post, the site author responds to a young husband named Robert who sent an email because he is having trouble disciplining his wife.

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Jesus' White Privilege?

Eric Metaxas, evangelical author and radio host, has gotten himself into something of a pickle.

After learning the United Methodist Church [full disclosure: that's my church] was working with Robin DiAngelo, author of White Fragility, to produce a video series on the subject of "Deconstructing White Privilege",  Metaxas tweeted this response:

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Incestuous Creationists part 3

In my last post I looked at creationists' hypothesis that incest was the primary means of populating the earth in the early days. Jonathan Sarfati of Creation Ministries International offers a particularly detailed defense.

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Incestuous Creationists part 2

In my previous post I looked at the creationist explanation for where Cain found his wife. Marrying your relatives, it turns out, is not a sin in creationist land.

Jonathan Sarfati of Creation Ministries International takes it a step further.

The main point is: morality is defined by the law of our Creator, who owns us, and who makes the rules, for our good. For example:

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Incestuous Creationists, part 1

Where did Cain get his wife? It's one of those questions that has bedeviled creationists since the dawn of young-earth creationism (early 1960s), questions that would never need an answer except for a modernist approach to biblical hermeneutics that insists all Bible stories must be treated as eyewitness history.

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Speaking Truth to Power

I haven't posted new content for a while, but I expect to have some soon. For now, here is a little something I wrote for my old blog back in 2005.

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He got the king's attention by telling a story:

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"Love the Sinner"

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Four Types of Faith

Marcus Borg, in The Heart of Christianity, outlines four types of faith, distinguished by four Latin terms that each have a unique emphasis: assensus, fiducia, fidelitas, and visio.

Assensus is accepting a statement to be true. The opposite, according to Borg, is doubt or disbelief.

Fiducia is trust or reliance on God. The opposite is anxiety or worry.

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Who Else Should We Exclude?

The United Methodist Church (UMC) last week held a Special General Conference to clarify the denomination's teaching regarding LGBTQ inclusion. The Book of Discipline (BoD), the guidebook that outlines the rules for Methodists to follow, has long held contradictory statements.

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