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Rand Paul Goes Viral

Sen. Rand Paul, Who Opposed Coronavirus Relief Bill, Tests Positive reads the headline at the Daily Beast. Paul, the only senator to vote against the $8.3 billion coronavirus research bill earlier this month, is the first senator to test positive for the virus.

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Weekend Reads 3/21/20

Senate clears 77-day extension of surveillance powers

The extension is retroactive to Saturday. It still needs to pass the House, which is currently out of town. Asked if they could support the Senate deal, a senior Democratic House aide told The Hill that “leadership [is] discussing.”

121 users have voted.

Capitalists Talking

about tax rates:

reallocation of resources:

and the role of government:

145 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 2/29/20

Coronavirus, Saturday Night Live, And White Hysteria

We can and should do the best we can to stay healthy. Hysteria is not healthy. If somehow the coronavirus becomes a global pandemic that kills millions of people, it will not be because there wasn’t enough hysteria to stop it.

FBI recommends passphrases over password complexity

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Weekend Reads 2/22/20

These Guys Figured Out a Way to Get Endless Free McDonald's

But who wants unlimited drinks with nothing to sink your teeth into? "I played around with the coupon generator and, after about five hours, I discovered another vulnerability," he explained – a vulnerability that allowed them to order free food.

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The Wrong Kind of Regulation

Howard Baetjer, economics lecturer at Towson University, is upset wtih regulations restricting or banning Uber and Lyft in some cities. Well, that's not quite right. Technically, he is upset with all government regulation. He explains this in an article for Reason Magazine titled Not All Regulation Is Bad.

Baetjer's thesis is that free markets are capable of self-regulation, thus government regulation is an unnecessary waste at best; an economic burden and a hinderance to freedom at worst.

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Weekend Reads 2/15/20

Tribal leaders call Bears Ears opening an 'unlawful action'

Native American Rights Fund attorneys say Bears Ears is “one of the densest and most significant cultural landscapes in the United States. Abundant rock art, ancient cliff dwellings, ceremonial sites, and countless other artifacts provide an extraordinary archaeological and cultural record that is important to us all …”

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