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Did Moses Write the Books of Moses? Part 1: The Documentary Hypothesis

The first five books of the Bible—known by Jews as the Torah and by Christians as the Pentateuch—are traditionally attributed to Moses.

But since the mid-1600s, scholars have been raising doubts about Mosaic authorship. In the 1651 book Leviathan, Thomas Hobbes gave examples of passages that indicated they were written long after Moses' time.

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Weekend Reads 3/11/17

For the first time, the Gulf of Mexico didn’t fall below 73° this winter

For the spring and early-summer storm season in the central and southern US, the warm waters will likely have an effect. While the relationship is far from absolute, scientists have found that when the Gulf of Mexico tends to be warmer than normal, there is more energy for severe storms and tornadoes to form than when the Gulf is cooler.

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Once in a Lifetime

Loren Eiseley was a scientist and a naturalist, but he had a mystic's eye.

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Weekend Reads 3/4/17

Will 2017 be the Final Year of the Password?

For the user, a forgotten password represents frustration. However, IT views password recovery as a mundane and time consuming task, which can be construed as the leading cause of high turnover in technical support positions.

231 users have voted.

Global Warming or End Times?

Alan White of Answers in Genesis may hold that global warming is nothing to worry about, but not all creationists agree. Joel Stockstill, in an article at, says time is running out.

Is it global warming really or just the end times prophesied by Jesus?

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Evidence and Theory

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Weekend Reads 2/18/17

And Then the Breitbart Lynch Mob Came for Me

By mid-afternoon, I was getting death threats. "I AM GOING TO CUT YOUR HEAD OFF………BITCH!" screamed one email. Other correspondents threatened to hang me, shoot me, deport me, imprison me and/or get me fired (this last one seemed a bit anti-climactic). The dean of Georgetown Law, where I teach, got nasty emails about me. The Georgetown University president’s office received a voicemail from someone threatening to shoot me.

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Don't Worry, the Climate and Everything is Under Control

The creationist organization Answers in Genesis, not content with denying the truth of evolution, is also taking on climate change. Dr. Alan White, introducing the topic in an editorial titled The Globe Is Warming, But It's Not Your Fault!, tries to give the appearance of balance.

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